Collana Ricerche big
Le torri di San Gimignano
Architettura, città, restauro
Luca Giorgi, Pietro Matracchi,
24x27 cm
400 pagine/pages
ISBN 978-88-3338-063-6
© 2019
Luca Giorgi
Pietro Matracchi
Pietro Matracchi is an architect and Associate Professor at the Architecture Department of the University of Florence, where he has taught Architectural Restoration since 2002. He also taught the same subject at the universities of Pisa and Perugia. He is the author of papers and monographs on architectural diagnostics aimed at the study of construc- tion techniques, construction phases and the conservation problems of materials and structures. The subjects he has covered include the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence, the cathedrals of Siena and Perugia, the monuments of the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore, Palazzo Pitti in Florence, the Medici villa in Poggio a Caiano, Santa Maria della Consolazione in Todi, theatre architecture of the nineteenth century and architectural works by Francesco di Giorgio Martini and Giorgio Vasari.
San Gimignano’s towers give it a unique character, earning it the title of UNESCO protected site. For the first time these extraordinary structures are documented in detail based on specifically performed surveys. For each tower, the characteristics of the masonry, materials and discontinuity are examined, and the demolitions and reconstructions are identified. Unprecedented and surprising data is provided on the construction techniques, the high quality of the mortars, and the dimensions of the towers, which combine extremely thick walls with very small internal spaces that often have very few openings. The fourteen towers studied thereby provide a general overview, which is set within the context of the urban structure of the city and shows how living requirements changed them over time. The study reveals how the iconic power of the towers, from the second half of the nineteenth century, led to a long season of pervasive restorations that have made San Gimignano an exemplary city of the Middle Ages.
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