Collana Ricerche small
Embodying Peripheries
a cura di
Giuseppina Forte, Kuan Hwa,
Firenze University Press
16.5x21 cm
304 pagine/pages
ISBN 978-88-5518-660-5
© 2022
Giuseppina Forte
Giuseppina Forte (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Architecture and Environmental Studies at Williams College, where she teaches courses in urban history and theory and design for environmental justice. During her doctoral studies at the University of California, Berkeley, she conducted research and lived in Brazilian favelas, analyzing the spatial relationship between ecologies, difference, and inequality.
Kuan Hwa
Kuan Hwa (any) is a critical theorist, contemporary artist (MFA 2013), and PhD candidate in the Rhetoric department at UC Berkeley whose current work investigates epistemological possibilities beyond modernist rationality, with special emphasis on sensory media and embodied forms of knowledge in intercultural contexts.
This book combines approaches from the design disciplines, humanities, and social sciences to foster interdisciplinary engagement across geographies around the identities embodied in and of peripheries. Peripheral communities bear human faces and names, necessitating specific modes of inquiry and commitments that prioritize lived human experience and cultural expression. Hence, the peripheries of this book are a question, not a given, the answers to which are contingent forms assembled around embodied identities. Peripheries are urban fringes, periphery countries in the modern world-system, Indigenous lands, occupied territories, or the peripheries of authoritative knowledge, among others. No form can exist outside historical relations of power enacted through knowledge, political structures, laws, and regulations.
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