Collana Saggi
New Cities and Migration
An international debate
a cura di
Roberto Bologna,
11x18,5 cm
280 pagine/pages
ISBN 978-88-3338-006-3
© 2017
Roberto Bologna
Roberto Bologna è professore ordinario di Tecnologia dell’Architettura all’Università di Firenze. Ha collaborato con Romano Del Nord alla ricerca e all’attività professionale. Dal 2017 dirige il Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario TESIS di cui Romano Del Nord è stato fondatore e direttore.
The book brings together contributions to the discussion on the relationship between the future of our cities and migration, which took place on the occasion of an international meeting held in Florence (Italy). Scholars, educators, researchers, professionals, policy makers and students interested in the contemporary challenging question of migration within, across and beyond cities participated from different countries where migration represents a big challenge. The socio-spatial transformation of the everyday urban environment due to the migrations movements has been debated under an interdisciplinary approach. In general terms the workshop aimed to address questions related to cities and regions that are resilient to change (climatic, social, cultural), and to discuss new forms of residential patterns and urban life, with the purpose of jointly developing global visions regarding future cities in transformation.
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