Collana Saggi
Cross-Disciplinary Approaches
to Italian Urban Space
Giulio Giovannoni, Silvia Ross,
11x18.5 cm
360 pagine/pages
ISBN 978-88-3338-088-9
© 2019
Giulio Giovannoni
Giulio Giovannoni is an architect and urban planner, with a PhD. from the University of Florence, where he is a tenured As- sociate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning. Giovannoni teaches urban design studios and courses in urban theory and landscape urbanism. He is a former research fellow at the Johns Hopkins University, and a former visiting scholar at the Gradu- ate School of Design, Harvard University. He is currently (2019- 2020) associate visiting professor at the College of Environmen- tal Desing, UC Berkeley. He is a founder and co-director of the scholarly association, Cross-disciplinary Urban Spaces. He has lectured widely and is the author of numerous publications, in- cluding his most recent book, (2017) “Tuscany beyond Tuscany: Rethinking the City from the Periphery”.
Silvia Ross
Silvia Ross (BA U of Toronto; MA, PhD Johns Hopkins Univer- sity) is Senior Lecturer (equiv. to Associate Professor) and Head of Italian and former Associate Dean and Head of the Graduate School of the College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Scienc- es, University College Cork. Her research concentrates on the representation of central Italy in modern and contemporary lit- erature, the subject of her monograph, “Tuscan Spaces: Literary Constructions of Place” (U of Toronto P, 2010) and of her current research project entitled “Subverted Sites: Textual Representa- tions of Conflict in Tuscany”. She has published in a number of scholarly journals and has co-edited the volumes “Rappresentare la violenza di genere. Sguardi femministi tra critica, attivismo e scrittura” (Mimesis, 2018); “Identity and Conflict in Tuscany” (Firenze University Press, 2015); “Mediterranean Travels: Writ- ing Self and Other from the Ancient World to Contemporary Soci- ety” (Legenda, 2011) and “Gendered Contexts: New Perspectives in Italian Cultural Studies” (Peter Lang, 1996).
Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Italian Urban Space examines the city and its environment through theoretically-informed essays stemming from a variety of disciplines, including urban planning, architecture, cultural geography, architectural history, heritage studies, film studies, literary studies and photography. Contributions focus on the representation of urban space in modern and contemporary society, featuring primarily Italian cities such as Turin, Milan, Florence, Marghera and Naples. Readers will benefit from the juxtaposition of the diverse approaches to urban environments provided by this collection of essays by international scholars. Chapters include analyses of spatial theory in relation to the urban sphere (Lefebvre, Foucault, Augé), environmental concerns (climate change and urban environments; heritage studies), and explore the representation of the city in novels, travelogues, film and photography, paying attention to key questions such as identity, transnationalism and gender.
Nella stessa serie

Susanna Caccia Gherardini
Le Corbusier e la villa Savoye: un caso di restauro autoriale. Le Corbusier and the villa Savoye: a case of authorial restoration

Maria Chiara Torricelli
Roberto Bologna
Romano del Nord. Teoria e prassi del progetto di architettura

Susanna Caccia Gherardini, Maria Grazia Eccheli, Saverio Mecca, Emanuele Pellegrini,
Ragghianti e Le Corbusier