Collana Saggi
Landscape design in a Changing World
Gabriele Paolinelli,
11x18.5 cm
224 pagine/pages
ISBN 978-88-3338-042-1
© 2018
Gabriele Paolinelli
Gabriele Paolinelli (1965). Laurea quinquennale in Architettura (1992), esercizio della libera professione (1993-2008), dottore di ricerca in Progettazione Paesistica (2002). Ricercatore universitario in Architettura del Paesaggio (2009-2018), professore associato di Architettura del paesaggio (dal 2019). Abilitato alla docenza di I fascia in Architettura del paesaggio (dal 2020). Socio dell’Associazione Italiana di Architettura del Paesaggio - AIAPP (dal 1995), socio (dal 2018) e vicepresidente (dal 2022) della Società Scientifica Italiana di Architettura del paesaggio - IASLA.
The search for sustainability can be understood as an abstract “utopia of escape”, whereas in fact its concrete nature is interesting as a “utopia of reconstruction”. Landscape Architecture is an efficient tool for the sustainable transformation of urban habitats. This book proposes a series of issues considered as significant for interpreting contemporariness which are aimed at identifying the necessary elements for trans-disciplinary dialogue and the raising of cultural awareness. Urban settlements are the most impactful and vulnerable human habitats. They are influenced by changes in the world, upon which they too have an influence, and require specific design efforts and attention. The wish to illustrate the book with an exemplary sample of its contents led the choice towards the work of the Atelier de Paysages Bruel-Delmar in Paris. It is a concrete testimony to the possibility of designing the transformations of landscapes by addressing their complexity through working on the living. Looking for a sense to sustainability while discovering the beauty of this contemporary need urges us to think that it is possible to bring about utopias if we do not flee from reality.
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