Collana Fuori collana
Heritage for people
Sharing vernacular knowledge to build the future
a cura di
Letizia Dipasquale, Saverio Mecca, Lucia Montoni,
24x27 cm
256 pagine/pages
ISBN 978-88-3338-200-5
© 2023
Letizia Dipasquale
Architect, PhD in Technology of Architecture and Design, Associate Professor in Production and Management of the Built Environment at DIDA, Department of Architecture, University of Florence. Her academic research is focused on the topics of vernacular architecure, cultural heritage management and sustainable transition.
Saverio Mecca
Architect, Professor Emeritus of Production and Management of the Built Environment at the University of Florence, he was Dean of Faculty and then Director of the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, 2009-2020. He works in the research field of construction management and sustainable innovation of architectural heritage in the Mediterranean region.
Lucia Montoni
Architect, obtained a postgraduate degree in Documentation and Management of Cultural Heritage. She is a PhD student in Technology of Architecture at the DIDA - University of Florence and collaborates with ETA-Florence company, which deals with communication and dissemination of scientific content on renewable energy.
The publication presents the results of the project ‘Versus-Heritage for People’, funded by the Creative Europe EU programme. The main aim of the project was to actively involve a broad audience and raise awareness among it concerning the value of vernacular knowledge in shaping more sustainable and resilient models of development. The material and immaterial elements constituting a vernacular heritage (encompassing local materials, construction methods, models for living and social interaction, technical and environmental knowledge for the management of territories, natural resources, settlements, etc.) have enormous potential for generating forward-thinking models that can improve the environmental and social quality of our habitats, foster a sense of identity and belonging, and relate in a balanced way to the capacities of our planet. The book explores strategies and tools for managing and transmitting knowledge and the values associated with vernacular heritage. It includes concrete examples and good practices for engaging people in processes of knowledge and the enhancement of vernacular heritage values for sustainability. The outcome is the result of the collaborative efforts between the five academic institutions involved in the project – Universitat Politècnica de València as coordinator (ES), University of Florence (IT), University of Cagliari (IT), CRAterre-ENSAG (FR) and Escola Superior Gallaecia at Universidade Portucalense (PT). A total of 63 authors, comprising both external scholars and professionals, contributed to the book.
Nella stessa serie

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Ricerche e progetti per la sostenibilità

Stefano Giommoni, Vanessa Mazzini, Riccardo Renzi,
Le ville del Moderno in Toscana. Roccamare Riva del Sole Punta Ala

Giuseppe Cosentino, Edoardo Cresci, Chiara De Felice, Mattia Gennari, Federico Gracola, Brunella Guerra,
Identità dell'architettura italiana