Collana Cts
Tuscany beyond Tuscany
Rethinking the City from the Periphery
Giulio Giovannoni,
16.5x21 cm
184 pagine/pages
ISBN 978-88-9608-093-1
© 2017
Giulio Giovannoni
Giulio Giovannoni is an architect and urban planner, with a PhD. from the University of Florence, where he is a tenured As- sociate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning. Giovannoni teaches urban design studios and courses in urban theory and landscape urbanism. He is a former research fellow at the Johns Hopkins University, and a former visiting scholar at the Gradu- ate School of Design, Harvard University. He is currently (2019- 2020) associate visiting professor at the College of Environmen- tal Desing, UC Berkeley. He is a founder and co-director of the scholarly association, Cross-disciplinary Urban Spaces. He has lectured widely and is the author of numerous publications, in- cluding his most recent book, (2017) “Tuscany beyond Tuscany: Rethinking the City from the Periphery”.
Although Tuscany is frequently depicted in movies, postcards, magazines and advertisements, a large part of the region is almost never represented – that of the peripheries and suburban sprawl. Most Tuscans reside in these areas, far from the refined land- and cityscapes of the old towns and hilly countryside. Despite its relevance, suburban Tuscany is largely neglected both by politicians and scholars. The myth of historic centers and of the Tuscan countryside, now purified and museumized, characterizes this alternate space as a dystopian world, even though it can be argued to be the most lively and dynamic part of the region, where new forms of urbanity are being developed. These aspects, however, still have to be discovered and conveyed. In order to better understand and govern the new city, it is necessary to challenge and dismantle the ideology of the old city.